Hello Blogging World, It has been such a long time since I lasted posted anything and for that I apologise. It is not that I haven't had anything to say, but as you all know, Life sometimes gets in the way of the best laid plans. In fact, over the last couple of weeks, I have had a lot to say and have had to clamp my hand over my mouth to keep from letting my tongue start wagging. In the end, I am glad I did because I believe the truth will always win out over falsehoods...even if it takes a long time. With that being said, I wondered how I could get back in to my blog and was reading over some old posts and found my answer. My friend Lex of tagged me with this 6 Word Memoir "MEME" back in 2008 and after reading over it I thought I would share this again as it still holds true for me.
You have to pick six (6) words that sum up your life. I guess it is kind of like writing your own obit that you would like to have read at your funeral! Morbid thought, isn't it? Ernest Hemingway was bet $10 that he couldn't sum up his life in six words. He won that bet when he wrote, "For sale, baby shoes, never worn." You can go to Bookbabie's blog and read about the book that was inspired by his quote and how it influenced her to start this meme. (Please don't ask me where to find BookBabie, since I haven't been able to find it myself--just repeating what was told to me) --UPDATE ---I finally found the post references and it is here - http://bookbabie.wordpress.com/2008/02/18/6-word-memior-meme/ So, here is the low down if you get tagged this go round... 1. Write your own six word memoir... 2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like... 3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere... 4. Tag Four more blogs with links ... 5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
I'll give you my list of bloggers a bit later, so read on! Anyway, here is my 6 word memoir!
Crazy, Beautiful, Diverse, Forgiving, Multi-Talented, Mommy! This is how I want my life to be remembered. It is how I see myself.

For those of you that know me, Crazy is an understatement really, but it would take way more than six words just to go into that side of my personality.
Beautiful--yes, I said beautiful! Not that I am all of that in the looks department. The crows are starting to trample my eyelids every night, so hag would have been better at describing my looks. LOL! I hope that others see the beauty that is on the inside though. I try to see beauty in everyone, no matter how hidden it might be. I want other's to see that in me also. The old adage "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is so true. I look at the ugly duckling's sparse gray down and see the beautiful swan hidden inside.

Diverse is a small way to describe my personality, my talents, my interests, and all most all aspects of my life. I love diversity.
 Forgiving is the most difficult thing I claim to be. It is something I work on all the time. I try to look at each person I meet and see the face of God. I try to see past all the faults with the world and humanity and let God move through me to accept and forgive. It is not always easy, but I try!
Multi-talented, multi-faceted, and multi-tasking would be my life in a nutshell. I love learning and absorb everything I possibly can. Normally, I have several irons in the fire at one time.
Mommy! Many would look at this and think, well she has kids. That is true! But Mommy is so much more than just having kids. Mommy is my frame of mind. I guess, when it comes right down to it, without the Mommy part, none of the other words would matter. My life would have been just a series of events leading eventually to my demise. But when you add Mommy to it, those series of events, have meaning and depth. Mommy gives me a legacy that continues well after I am gone and leaves my fingerprints and the 5 other words for generations to carry on.
Now for this new post, here are the "lucky" bloggers that I am throwing this "meme" to-
Linda ~ Linda Pinda Designs
Shirley ~ Dumplinragamuffin
Bev ~ Heartland Creations
A Stuffed Life
Ladies, I can't wait to see what you will come up with!
For those of you who are asking what the %$&* is a "Meme"? Please check out this link-
What the %$&* is a Meme?