Good Day Folks! As my title implies, I have news to share. Sharing it secretly seems the only way the word is going to be spread too! What is she blabbering on about, you ask? Well, I am referring to the latest "improvements" that the eBay executive's are putting into place, effective March 31st. This change is going to affect hundreds, if not thousands of eBay sellers and some still do not know about it. The one's that do know have found out by someone going "Psst! Have you heard the latest?".
Thats right! No Mass emails letting their sellers know that on March 31st all digital listings in auction format, buy it now format, and store format will be in violation of the new policy and cancelled. What we did get, was a memo style note buried on the announcement board.
This change has effectively put me as well as most of my eBay seller friends out of business on eBay. I am talking about legitimate sellers too--not those trying to scam buyers out of a buck to increase their feedback. My friends and I offered real products like primitive e patterns delivered by automatic download or email, or web graphics and auction templates. All those selling any type of e books with recipes are gone too.
Up until recently, I was an avid eBay supporter, both as a buyer and as a seller. Not anymore. Lately, it has been more of a love, hate relationship, that has now ended in divorce. For all of you that buy from eBay, if your favorite sellers disappear, start searching the web for them. EBay has forced many of us else where with all the new policy changes that supposedly protect the buyer. I guess that it is protection in a way. If you can't find any sellers then you can't buy anything, thus you are protected.
I am participating in the May boycott (neither buying or selling) and really have no plans to sell anything on eBay ever again!
Thanks for listening to all my ramblings about eBay.
I do have a couple new auction templates listed on my website. they work with several auction sites, not just eBay.
Below is a thumbnail preview of the template. You can click the link to visit my web site where I have it available.

I also want to invite you to visit one of my friends website. She is also trying to move from the eBay choke hold. Leslie is a great gal who does awesome work. If you see something you must have from her, tell her Bebe sent ya!
Oh Bebe you are such a dear, great job on the blog and thank you for the advertisement. Love ya,
I think it is just terrible! But all we can do now is help each other, advertise, and put links whereever we can to let people know where and who we are. I added your website to my links on my blog! It's just a small step, but every step helps! Cora
Hi Bebe...
I have been following what you and the gals of OPSG have been doing, and I commend you and Kelly for transgressing to the Blogger world...and YES, there are people out there that want to know you plucked a chicken for dinner last night!
I have been "blogging" also, but I haven't gotten myself out there enough yet...was hoping to join back in OPSG, just waiting for Kelly to get the info!!!
As for the PROTEST in MAY for Ebay, where do I sign up??? I am soooooo disgusted with their ways right now, that I didn't agree with WHY or HOW they did in people like you, and several others that I buy things from all the time, and I agree, they Slit their own Throats when they did that! I think they Believed the Sellers like yourself are just going to give in and list the way they preferred and NOT LEAVE Ebay...well, I am glad that so many of you have chosen to just show them HOW it can be DONE without THEM!!!
I AM SORRY that it will affect your sales, tho! I am sure that once people get the hang of what you have done, as well as the others, that the sales will pick back up!!! Soo....with that said...
GOOD LUCK BEBE!!!! I wish you WELL!
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