Friday, April 18, 2008

So Much to Say, So Little Time!

Hi folks,
Wow, how time flies, even if you are not having fun! I am way behind on my blogging and have a ton of things to catch up on.

First, I was so honored that Sondra from Whimsy Stitches sent me this Special Artist Award!

I am tickled pink with it! It is especially nice coming from such a truly gifted and talented artist such as Sondra! Thanks so much, my friend, for honoring me with this award!

Now I would like to bestow the gift of this award to another wonderful artist, Linda of Linda Pinda Designs. She creates just awesome primitive graphics and deserves an award such as this.

Next, I just finished moving my "A Man Outstanding In His Field" piece to the Olde Primitive Sister's Online Market Place! You can click the photo to visit the listing.

This was one of my all time favorite creations and the most difficult for me to work on for a variety of reasons.

I also have new websets listed on my website and on
Below are a couple of the sets on my site- Off The Beaten Path Designs

I was also tagged with a meme tag. I will have to think on that one and get back to you on that though. Six words that most describe me??? The only one I am sure of at this point is CRAZY!

I hope all of you out there in cyberland have a peaceful and restful evening!

Pray for our soldiers, our country, and our children!



1 comment:

*Linda Pinda* said...

Bebe: Thank You so much. I am so honored and feel so blessed to have such special friends.

Hugs... *Linda*