Morning folks!
Yesterday, I had the great honor of being "Tagged" with a Special Friendship Award from Deb of Willowtree Treasures.
It seems my job now is to accept the award and pass it on to another of my deserving friends. First, let me say I was shocked to even get the award. LOL!
You see, most of those who I consider my bestest friends, I have never seen face to face. Sitting here in my home, nestled between four hills in the middle of nowhere, I am mostly cut off from the outside world. The closest house is about three miles away as a crow flies and the people living there are family. Not that I do not consider them friends as well, but I didn't get to choose them. Family is thrust upon you by God and Fate and you love them regardless of weather you like them or not.
Friends are different and special! They are the persons that come into your life by whatever means (even blips on a computer screen) and touch the very heart of who you are. You have a choice to hold them close and nourish the relationship or shut the door because you just don't mesh. You choose love them because you like them. They compliment and sometimes even challenge you you are. LOL! I have one dear friend with whom I argue about everything. We love to debate even the smallest details. At times, I agree with her totally, but will still take the opposite view, just get her going! I am sure she does the same with me.
Now Deb, who sent the Friendship Award to me is one of those people who you just can't help but like. She is a FRIEND to everyone. Never a harsh word escapes her, and if it did, she would instantly be apologising! LOL! She is one of the most understanding and caring persons, I have been blessed to meet. Deb, I may not say it enough, but I am so thankful to have met you. Thank you my friend also, for passing the award to me and all the truly wonderful words you had for me!
Now I am in a quandary on who should I pass this Special Friendship Award onto. It is not the that I don't have many choices---THAT IS THE PROBLEM. How can I choose just one???
Well I guess I am just going to break the rules and choose more than one! My first Special Friend Award goes to Jane of Jane of Ark Designs. Jane is such a talented woman who juggles a family, crafting, and career, yet still has time to check on her friends. We live a thousand miles apart but I know I can count on her to always lift my spirit or offer a helping hand. Jane, I just want to say, You Inspire Me! Now I know Jane doesn't have a blog yet, (we are still trying to nudge her into creating one) but she certainly deserves my Special Friend Award! The torch is yours my friend!
My next Special Friend Award goes to Lelsie of Primitive By The Hollow. Leslie has a great talent in the primitive field. I absolutely love her creations. I consider her a great friend as well! She is always ready with helpful advice to anyone who needs it, or a cyber hug or smile if the situation calls for it. She is courageous, caring and has a great sense of humor. Leslie, I am proud to call you FRIEND! I hope you enjoy the Special Friend Award I am sending your way and find someone equally deserving to pass it on to!
Lastly, I want to share a poem that says much about my friendships. I did not write it, but found the author's words so true! I hope you enjoy it as well!
Friends Without Faces
We sit and we type and we stare at our screens,
We can't help but wonder what all of this means.
With mouse in hand ...we roam through this maze,
On an infinite search...lost in a daze.
We chat with each other, we type all our woes,
At times we'll band together to gang up on our foes.
We wait for somebody, to type out our name,
We want recognition, but it is always the same.
Soon friendships are formed - but - why we don't know,
But some of these friendships, will flourish and grow.
We give kisses and hugs, and sometimes we'll flirt,
In IMs we chat deeply, and reveal why we hurt.
Why is it on screen, we are so easily bold,
Telling our secrets, that have never been told.
The answer is simple, it is as clear as a bell,
We all have our problems, and need someone to tell.
We can't tell real people, but tell someone we must
So we turn to our 'puters ...and to those we can trust.
Even though it sounds crazy...the truth still remains,
Most of my "friends" have no faces...and odd little names
~Rusty Black, ©1996
Bebe your award giving was very touching! You picked some wonderful people to award it too and appreciate all the nice things you have said! You are quite a gal and appreciate you every day! Love, Deb
Thank you Bebe I am honored. You have always encouraged me to keep on even with the going gets touch. You are there on my low days with tender words of support. Thank you for being you.
Bebe, you have truly warmed my heart with "The Special Friendship Award"...it means so very much to me and has made my first visit to your blog, after returning from vacation, a special return indeed!
As a collector of many treasures..your friendship is truly one of my favorite things!
My love and admiration~~~Jane
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